A comprehensive list of all the legendary and epic Evony The Kings Return Evony TKR (The King's Return) Generals List Best Evony General Guides. Troop power, this is the total power of all your troops. evony kings return generals evony kings return world boss evony king's return hack evony kings return update evony king's return attack strategy evony kings. 3 Use a leather helm of Robin Hood to get a really bad hero or recruit a bad hero from your inn and send him with 100 warriors to attack the city. Offer Evony Kings Return 5 star general 1500 SB Special Offer. Learn the basics of the Generals in this Evony guide. Appointing General for duty, how to get Generals DecemRequired General Level, Stars for Duty officers DecemRewards from Alliance Boss Package DecemList of the Chest Drop by Boss Monsters DecemBoss Monster Power List DecemKnow your Game Evony – The King’s Return DecemEvony: The King's Return Player's Guide. Evony The King’s Return just released their latest version of the Lucky Composing event.
This is one of those things created in a game to drain people of valuable resources. They lead armies in marches, gather resources, attack monsters, bosses, and also can be used in PvP battles.